
Privacy statement

Below you can find the privacy statement of D.W.V. Klein Verzet. In this privacy statement you can find out how we collect and process personal data. We explain where and with what purpose we store your data. You can also read what your rights are concerning your data and how to use these.

D.W.V. Klein Verzet

D.W.V. Klein Verzet was established on 1 October 1969 with the purpose to give students of the, then, Technische Hogeschool Twente (currently the University of Twente) the possibilities to develop themselves as cyclists and to provide a place for cycling enthusiasts. Throughout the years, Klein Verzet has developed itself as a known association in the eastern part of the Netherlands and it organizes training possibilities for all level of cyclists. Our race cyclists ride though all the Netherlands and also Klein Verzet itself organizes multiple races a year.

There are multiple situations in which your data are collected by D.W.V. Klein Verzet. We would like to show you what is done exactly. You can also address your wishes concerning your data to us. If you do not want that your data is collect, please send a mail to

D.W.V. Klein Verzet is an association registered with KVK-number 40074707.

Purpose of collecting data

We collect personal data for the following purposes:

Registration of memberships

When you want to become a member of Klein Verzet, we would like to know who you are. By filling out our registration form, you will be registered by our associations. The registration form can be found on our website. In case you also want to have a basis membership or license of the KNWU (general Dutch cycling organization), we will also registration you with the KNWU.

To send newsletters

D.W.V. Klein Verzet sends out a monthly newsletter. These newsletters are only informative and focus on share news and knowledge, they are not commercial. To unsubscribe from this newsletter, you can send a request to

Upon contacting

When you contact D.W.V. Klein Verzet, your data will be collected using the contact forms on the site. Therefore, we need your name and email address, as we will not be able to answer your questions elsewise.


De data we receive, and process are managed with (or through):

Conscribo is our administration and accounting program. In Conscribo, all data as stated on the registration form is stored. Upon conclusion of the contract with Conscribo, it was captured what data is collected and saved.

We use the Drive and Gmail services of Google to share documents and make use of our email addresses. The data that is sent via email is stored on the servers of Google, as is the data that is entered when filling out a Google Form of Klein Verzet. How Google handles the processing and storage of data can be found here.

We will enter your personal data in the platform ‘mijnKNWU’ of the KNWU in order to request a basis or license membership at the KNWU. How the KNWU handles the processing and storage of your data can be found here.

Storage period
Your data will be stored by D.W.V. Klein Verzet for a longer period of time, but no longer than is needed to perform activities, unless we need to store your data due to legal regulations. The latter includes, for example, the fiscal retention obligation of 7 years.


Your personal data will not be copied physically. Your personal data will only be managed by the systems and software stated above. The personal data that is managed by D.W.V. Klein Verzet or third parties stated above are only accessible via software stated above. On top of that, the data is protected by a password and, if possible, by a two-step verification. In the case of the latter, a code will be generated and send to D.W.V. Klein Verzet. This code will then be used in the sign in process.

Every device owned by a board members or co-operator of D.W.V. Klein Verzet which has access to your data, is protected by a password and/or fingerprint. The total number of devices that has access to your data is limited to the minimum.

Your rights

Right for insight
You always have the ride to request your data kept by D.W.V. Klein Verzet. You can do this by sending a mail to You will get an overview of your data. We strive to send you this within 10 workdays.

Right for rectification
Is your data not correct? Or has your personal data changed? You always have the right to have your personal data in the administration of D.W.V. Klein Verzet adapted. Your personal data for the newsletter can be changed by using the buttonChange subscription preferences’ at the bottom of each newsletter.

Right for transmission
In case you need the data stored by D.W.V. Klein Verzet, for example when changing associations, you always have the right for transmission. Hereby, D.W.V. Klein Verzet must transfer your personal data to the other association.

Right for deleting of your data
Do you not longer want that your personal data are stored with D.W.V. Klein Verzet? You then always have the right to let your data be deleted.

Right for complains
You have the right to file a complaint with the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, if you feel that D.W.V. Klein Verzet is not handling your data properly. You can do this via the site of the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.

Our obligations

D.W.V. Klein Verzet processes personal data based on justifiable interest, namely the registration of (new) members and the provision of information to our members, such as sharing the monthly newsletter and club magazine. We will never sell your personal data to third parties. The data asked for is the minimum of data needed to maintain a membership of D.W.V. Klein Verzet.

Your personal data is, for example, needed to include you in our member administration and register you for a KNWU basis license. Your email address is needed to send you our newsletter. If you do not want, or are not able to share this data, we sadly cannot take you as a member of D.W.V. Klein Verzet. We can't register you with the KNWU and we are not able to keep you up to date with our activities.

In case if it is needed to share your data with parties other than those addressed above, we will always ask you for your permission.

D.W.V. Klein Verzet has the right to reveal your personal data – or any other data – when this is a legal requirement or when D.W.V. Klein Verzet considers it justified to fulfil a legal request or to protect the rights, property or safety of D.W.V. Klein Verzet. In doing so, we, of course, always try to respect your privacy as much as possible.

Questions or remarks?

Do you, after reading this, have any questions, remarks or do you have anything else to say concerning your privacy? You can always send it to

D.W.V. Klein Verzet hopes that it has informed you, enough about how it processes and stores your personal data.